Friday, December 26, 2008

leftist or rightist..

i dont know how many of us have met and admired people of both leftist and rightist ideology. i am certainly one.

if we respect more than one religion, it is rarely seen as a problem in intellectual circle but why the same thing is not relevant for ideologies. there are differences in the religions, in their approach to salvation, but we tend to look beyond them and see what they represent at a depth, the message of universal brotherhood and love. Then why do we fight over minor differences in ideologies. in fact most people have been brainwashed to see the bad in the other and therefore is intolerant. it is an example of divide and rule which has been so effective since time unknown.

"the aim of argument should not be victory, but progress." whenever we debate as enemies, we tend to find mistakes in the other and become more and more extremists. we tend to spend more time in finding faults and less in seeing what tweaking can be done to our approach to make it more more effective. in fact both approaches are beautiful and is capable of doing equal level of goodness. These approaches have same outcome of progress along the way as it is with practicing different religions.

the extreme rightist is intolerant towards other religion at times, the extreme leftist wiped out its opponents and industries leading to fall of USSR. but why look at this examples. infact they only exist because of lack of acceptance of goodness of the other. if you see goodness in someone, the other person see goodness in you and together you both become comfortable and build foundation for coperation and progress. the same is possible with the proponents of these ideologies. only if they could kill the malice in their heart for the opposite and start seeing the goodness.

i believe that the next state of evolution will wipe out the differences that exist between them and we will see a more collective approach. Now you may wonder that i may be some buddhist monk who always likes the middle path. Though this is not completely false, it isn't an absolute ly true either... :)

Monday, December 22, 2008

to you...

where does sex and virginity stand in front of love
when has world understood people like you
you are an anchor to more lives than your own
i cant see you faded and down
you have the maturity to feel what others' aspire
and the guts to stand up against all odds
i only wish to see happiness in your eyes
and if need be, let me know...i will be there!

and whats between you both must be pure
live it and relish every moment
they are not moments to be lost.

Monday, December 15, 2008

back from cairo to saudi...

i will remember those lighted streets and sheesas and music
i will remember the relaxed attitude of the masses
i will remember the beautiful faces embedded with angelic eyes
i will remember the hip dance of the whores at haram

the mighty pyramids, museum with unparalleled treasure
the snorkeling at sharm, hitting on a italian beauty
some learning too amidst a lot of fun, i will remember all
Except an often made enquiry, "Are you muslim?"

Thursday, December 04, 2008

4th december

it seems that i need to speak to myself and i also realized that the thoughts are fair enough to be shared. Therefore I have decided to be a regular blogger henceforth.

about the mumbai attacks

1) the root cause is inequality and feeding on the situation by people who brainwash..very simple.

2) the ease with which corruption is possible in our indian setting leading to break through across various security barriers that should ideally exist.

3) the ease with which most of us accept the situation, not being directly affected.

4) the ease with which we can pass the blame to our neighbors holding them responsible. even if they were the once who planned, are we incapable of defending ourselves? where is the strategy, hasn't this been happening since last 60 years?

5) the media is focused on display of breaking news, reiterating how close their colleagues are to the danger. have they ever tried to look deep into the root causes, presenting not so entertaining realities of common suppressed lives in india from kashmir to north eastern to narmada effected area in MP to naxalites in the east.

i know i dont understand most of the stuff and am trivializing issues with deep problems. but i am tired of our approach or rather attitude.

why am i cribbing and not doing something...

I have a ready excuse!

beyond this i will try to be a little different, so readers discretion is requested. my reason for being different here is simply that the opposite views have been iterated again and again, and this very valid view has died along the way.

since 26th, i have received hundred mails to sign for the fact that i am not afraid and that objective of terrorist attack to drive fear into our spine has failed.

i dont understand how death of over 270 of us be called a failed mission. i acknowledge the effort of hard working souls that are initiating such a drive. but if looked deeply, it results in being more of excuse to run away from the situation and continue to live as if nothing happened. synergy of these collective energy is needed to accomplish objective of beating the monster at its roots rather than superficially creating an aura with a very short life. what all this will rather lead to is people becoming more extremists in their heart and saffronizing the upcoming election, not on the basis of relevant issues but rather on developed hatred (not fear) despite the fact that saffroners dont have one leader in their team we can look upto.

lets look at terrorism. few misdirected, passionate people creating havoc to challenge the existing status quo and way of life (pardon me for such a romantic definition). the reason could be the circumstances around leading to pull towards an extremist, intolerable ideology preaching life thats looks like a door for better tomorrow to them. most of them are simple people with a lot of hatred for the way the things are. their aim is not to drive fear in us but more importantly to bring to attention the things we tend to ignore, with a bang and to hit back against what they hold as responsible for their miserable condition.

what is a must i believe is to be more responsible towards our society, to enable a more balanced growth and to atleast make a true attempt to handle the root issues. killing few terrorist, dismantling a few camps wont achieve anything in the long run. a program that involves dialouge and active participation to understand the concerns of every section of our society and true spirit for everybody's growth is only way out or rather only action worthy of an attempt, worthy of being spread...are we game!