i dont know how many of us have met and admired people of both leftist and rightist ideology. i am certainly one.
if we respect more than one religion, it is rarely seen as a problem in intellectual circle but why the same thing is not relevant for ideologies. there are differences in the religions, in their approach to salvation, but we tend to look beyond them and see what they represent at a depth, the message of universal brotherhood and love. Then why do we fight over minor differences in ideologies. in fact most people have been brainwashed to see the bad in the other and therefore is intolerant. it is an example of divide and rule which has been so effective since time unknown.
"the aim of argument should not be victory, but progress." whenever we debate as enemies, we tend to find mistakes in the other and become more and more extremists. we tend to spend more time in finding faults and less in seeing what tweaking can be done to our approach to make it more more effective. in fact both approaches are beautiful and is capable of doing equal level of goodness. These approaches have same outcome of progress along the way as it is with practicing different religions.
the extreme rightist is intolerant towards other religion at times, the extreme leftist wiped out its opponents and industries leading to fall of USSR. but why look at this examples. infact they only exist because of lack of acceptance of goodness of the other. if you see goodness in someone, the other person see goodness in you and together you both become comfortable and build foundation for coperation and progress. the same is possible with the proponents of these ideologies. only if they could kill the malice in their heart for the opposite and start seeing the goodness.
i believe that the next state of evolution will wipe out the differences that exist between them and we will see a more collective approach. Now you may wonder that i may be some buddhist monk who always likes the middle path. Though this is not completely false, it isn't an absolute ly true either... :)
if we respect more than one religion, it is rarely seen as a problem in intellectual circle but why the same thing is not relevant for ideologies. there are differences in the religions, in their approach to salvation, but we tend to look beyond them and see what they represent at a depth, the message of universal brotherhood and love. Then why do we fight over minor differences in ideologies. in fact most people have been brainwashed to see the bad in the other and therefore is intolerant. it is an example of divide and rule which has been so effective since time unknown.
"the aim of argument should not be victory, but progress." whenever we debate as enemies, we tend to find mistakes in the other and become more and more extremists. we tend to spend more time in finding faults and less in seeing what tweaking can be done to our approach to make it more more effective. in fact both approaches are beautiful and is capable of doing equal level of goodness. These approaches have same outcome of progress along the way as it is with practicing different religions.
the extreme rightist is intolerant towards other religion at times, the extreme leftist wiped out its opponents and industries leading to fall of USSR. but why look at this examples. infact they only exist because of lack of acceptance of goodness of the other. if you see goodness in someone, the other person see goodness in you and together you both become comfortable and build foundation for coperation and progress. the same is possible with the proponents of these ideologies. only if they could kill the malice in their heart for the opposite and start seeing the goodness.
i believe that the next state of evolution will wipe out the differences that exist between them and we will see a more collective approach. Now you may wonder that i may be some buddhist monk who always likes the middle path. Though this is not completely false, it isn't an absolute ly true either... :)