Thursday, January 15, 2009

trying new things...
what is it about humans that make them always wish to do things not done before..
is it the thrill of the unknown or just a manipulation of the mind to fit socially or expectattion of an experience not attended before.
why we get bored so easily with what we do; is it just that the things we are doing is not fit for us or there is an inner urge to explore more or is it just the evolution that can happen only by attempting unchartered territory.
often we believe that we need to do something else, but when we meet people having experiences we haven't yet had but desire, we dont see them feeling the way we expect to feel when we would be doing that thing.
i sound confused but i know this is the clearest i can be about my current state of mind.
i want to do a lot of things... acceptatble and unacceptable. in the world of my mind, i have solution to everything. but action is seldom there and condition can be held responsible; but i cant deny lethargy on my part. i see lot of energy wasted in me every moment but hardly any steps i have taken to invest it rightly.

what i experience i know is not unique to me. but i find it difficult to always live with it. i cant always expect God to show me the way and help me out... i dont want to just forget it all and go to sleep.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Faraday was delivering a lecture on his new discovery 'Electricity'. At the end of it a lady approaches him and asks "I see what you present but of what use is this discovery?"

He repied "But ma'am, of what use is a new born child?"

What an insight! Like a new born child, a new idea has potential to change the world.